Archives de catégorie : Tutorials

How to create a Game Interface

In this example we are going to see how to create a game interface using C++ and Maratis SDK. We will use the SimpleGamePlugin Demo as a base project, and simply customize the Game class (MyGame.h and MyGame.cpp). The main … Continuer la lecture

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Custom shaders example

Hi, I just released a new example, showing how to use more complex custom shaders : – simple envmap shader (reflexion) – simple ink shader – standard shader with diffuse/specular/normal/emit and shadow map – standard shader with additional envmap DOWNLOAD … Continuer la lecture

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How to create a game plugin

In this example we are going to see how to create a game plugin using c++ and Maratis SDK. Creating game plugin and custom behavior can be seen as complicated in the beginning and require some programming experience, but once … Continuer la lecture

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Maratis/Blender video tour

Hi, here is a simple video tour showing how Maratis and Blender are working together to create a basic game using « Yo Frankie » assets. Yo Frankie (c) copyright Blender Foundation |

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